A Short History of My Life
Welcome to In My Life
My Philosophy in one line
We seek the certainty that our life matters. We gain meaning by locating our personal story in a grand narrative...
Woman. Daughter. Mother. Rabbi, Bubbe!
Met Judaism at age 20 (cosmic ‘kick in the butt’) …knew this was what I was supposed to do. A Jew by choice (via the University of Judaism in L.A.) Married (to a Jew)/ divorced. Israel as a secular Jew. To Canada. Married again (to a non-Jew/ divorced). Vancouver. Discovered that I have a relationship with God. Studied and absorbed like a sponge. Awed that I found myself covering the spectrum of the ages of life in my Judaic teaching and work with the Jewish elderly. Eventually stopped avoiding the cosmic ‘kick in the butt’ and studied for the rabbinate.
I feel a connection to people who are considering choosing Judaism, those who are intermarrying, and families who have accepted the challenge to raise their children Jewish. Since becoming a prison chaplain my passion for Tikkun Olam, repairing the world has been sharpened: to have a healing and whole society, the outcasts need to be rehabilitated!
Selected Accomplishments: The CV
Jewish Chaplain, Federal Prisons, Pacific Region, Canada: April 2012- April 2024.
Administrator of the L’Chaim Adult Day Centre in Vancouver: January 1994-January 2009. Activities Coordinator of L’Chaim ADC: 1986-1993.
Rabbi of Sh’ar Harim in Whistler, B.C.: 2005-2010.
Occasional prayer leader/Torah reader for Shabbat, Festival and High Holy-day services since 1985 at various congregations.
Jewish educator: 1984-present. I have taught at various levels, including pre-school through high school and adult education. Currently working with individuals of all ages.
Principal/Administrator of Or Shalom (Afternoon Religious) School: 1988-1992.
Preparing students for Bar/Bat Mitzvah since 1989, including officiating at the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service either solo or in conjunction with others. Sorry, I have lost track of the number of individual B’nai Mitzvah I have taught.
Fashioner of Jewish fabric art, including prayer shawls, kippot, and the occasional wall hanging.
Rabbinic Ordination, Rabbinic Seminary International, New York City, 1998.
Diploma in Counselling, Vancouver School Board, June 1995.
Pastoral Care. Vancouver School of Theology, 1993.
B.A., Sociology, California State University at Northridge,
1971. With Honors.
Personal Information
Born in Los Angeles, California, in 1948. A divorced mother of two grown sons. Ivy and Seth’s devoted bubbe. I passionately enjoy sewing, singing, having fun, and kibbitzing the TV.
Eleh Hamda Libi: These are dear to my heart
Rose Marie Mercy’s Quilts: My Mother’s Legacy
Rose Marie Mercy’s Eulogy
The Family Lace Collection